Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thing 31 Future Libraries

I am very surprised. I actually agreed with the speaker. In most articles about the future of libraries the speaker is full of doom and gloom. About how there will not be books any more and we will not be needed. Since I have hoped that was not the case I was very pleased to hear someone say that we are doing a good job and that we CAN have a place in the future of our communities. I enjoyed the humor also. I usually hear what a person is saying much better if there is some humor involved. We constantly have to stay ahead of the patrons in what they need and want and I think that we sometimes need a reminder of that, but most of all we need to be told that we can and that we are doing a VERY good thing for our communities.


Anj said...

Hope is so much nicer than despair, isn't it? I, too, really liked his positive vision of the future.

And the humor was great. Even though the presentation was long, it kept my attention. I kept backing it up to listen to parts again, not because I had missed them, but because they were so good I wanted to be sure they stuck in my memory.

Becky B. @ Bibliognome said...

I agree whole heartedly with you about lots of articles being all gloom and doom about the future of libraries. If more people were positive about the future instead of pessimistic it could change the way libraries are perceived.

Yes, I also find humor to be of vital importance to presentations because it can add more depth to what a person is saying and in the cases of some topics keep you awake.