Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Library thing

This is cool! My daughter in law told me about it a year ago. I didn't take time to do it then because I already do the same thing on Facebook. Right now my site on Library Thing is public, but I think after the class is done I will make it private. I don't want to use it for meeting people I just want it as a record of the books I read. There are many times I can't remember if I had read a book and this way I will have record of it. http://www.librarything.com/profile/ssctlh and http://www.librarything.com/catalog/ssctlh

Monday, November 24, 2008

Thing 11-Technology

Technology...That is both easy and hard. I asked my 21 year old son what he would write and he asked how long it could be. He said he could write something from a couple of paragraphs to 10 pages long. I almost had him do it just so I could get a different perspective. But after listening to him say ideas I decided not to confuse anyone that much. So to me technology is not what is in this class. It is computers and MP3's and blu tooth devices and even digital cameras. It is things that use computer type things to work. While I love the idea of these things they are sometimes frustrating to use. My son is what I call a "thechy"(spelling?). He loves anything that is an electronic item. If it has new technology it it he would like it. So I often hear and see things that I could only dream of using. Most times that is a cost factor but usually it is just that I don't have the opportunity to try. I will admit it does fascinate me and I do envy the people who know how to operate all those devices. I am learning and some day hope to not be quite as intimidated by these things that my son so loves to use.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thing 10? Image Generator

These generators are really strange!! I don't feel anywhere near creative enough. I am sure the younger generation could have a blast with some of them. Maybe I am just too tired to think creatively right now. Anyway I took the easy way out and did a trophy. That could be fun to give to somebody. Just change the words to encourage them when they need it. Here is my trophy.
Trophy Generator

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thing 9

As I said before I wouldn't have much use for Flicker. Some of the things that can be done with it and some of the web tools etc. are interesting. The one tht I could possibly see using at the Library is Spell with Flicker. I think it could be a fun thing to do with some of the signs that I make. Since I usually make the signs that we put up for all sorts of announcements that could change it up a bit.
I think it is interesting that someone would take the time to get all of the letters and put them into a program just for people to be able to play. It is awesome tht they did but interesting.


I looked around Flicker. There are lots of pictures to look at. I really don't see a reason for me to use it. I really don't take many pictures at all. My camera sits in it's bags for months at a time. If I were to have grandkids(fat chance of that) I would use it when I saw them, maybe. But here is the picture I picked. http://flickr.com/photos/kamille824/2993991162/ I tried to use the picture download tool but I just copied and pasted in case I don't figure out the other way. I this picture I can just see the dog saying what in the world did you bring home this time Mom and Dad. I guess it worked just fine. Now the link is in there twice. Oh well that is OK in case one doesn't work.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thing 7 More RSS

I have found several feeds and am having fun with that. I have been surprised at some of the sites that both do and don't have feeds. I have figured out from this again that I have a variety of interests most of which have nothing to do with work. All though they do, I am sure help to make me the person that I am. The different ideas in thing 7 were good to look at and did give me an idea of what to look for. However since my interests are diverse I have so far found it easier to just look for the RSS symbol on some of my favorite sites. Some of my feeds are sites that if not prompted I would forget to look at and then be disappointed later that I missed something. Most are very much just for entertainment. I am glad this was included in the things to learn as it is something that I can really enjoy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I have been done with the Thing 6 for Rss for several days and haven't had time to do the blog. Rss is interesting. And I could see how it could be very addictive. However the one thing I don't like is that I would like the feeds to come to my email instead of me having to log into another site. So that is taking practice. I can see that it could be a very useful way to keep updated on the news of certain sites though. And the sites I have subscribed to are fun to read. WE will see when I get to the next thing how addicted I become. I have already told my coworker that they may have to remind me to get back to work.