Monday, November 24, 2008

Thing 11-Technology

Technology...That is both easy and hard. I asked my 21 year old son what he would write and he asked how long it could be. He said he could write something from a couple of paragraphs to 10 pages long. I almost had him do it just so I could get a different perspective. But after listening to him say ideas I decided not to confuse anyone that much. So to me technology is not what is in this class. It is computers and MP3's and blu tooth devices and even digital cameras. It is things that use computer type things to work. While I love the idea of these things they are sometimes frustrating to use. My son is what I call a "thechy"(spelling?). He loves anything that is an electronic item. If it has new technology it it he would like it. So I often hear and see things that I could only dream of using. Most times that is a cost factor but usually it is just that I don't have the opportunity to try. I will admit it does fascinate me and I do envy the people who know how to operate all those devices. I am learning and some day hope to not be quite as intimidated by these things that my son so loves to use.

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