Wednesday, December 3, 2008


For some reason I really had a hard time with this one. I got signed up and can follow several people but I really don't see the point. I have a Facebook account and it does the same thing. But the difference with that is tose people on there are my family and friends. The twitter thing is mostly people that I haven't met. So I don't see a reason to follow what they are doing or to have them follow me. I don't see a reason for this in our Library. We aren't that big and can pretty see what we are each doing just by looking around. I could possibly see using this at work if it was a huge building where you might be wondering about someone on the top floor when you are on the bottom floor. Or possibly if you just transfered away from a job and could keep up with friends or activities. Anyway for me Twitter just isn't all that great.

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