Wednesday, October 28, 2009

thing 29?

Well here it is the end of the month and I haven't blogged or worked on the class much. I read what the assignment was at the beginning of the month. Then forgot about it until now. I have used WeRead on Facebook for a while now. My intention was to keep track of the books I read. I glance at some of the reviews but that is it. I do like it when they give recomendations. Even though I work in a library there are usually some books that I feel I have missed. I have added the Goodreads application to Facebook now. So far I like the search thing on Goodreads better than WeRead. However I am always surprised at how many of the newest books don't pop up when doing a search. I did a search on GoodReads for Nora Roberts and her newest Bride Quartet books didn't show up. Well more later as I really should be working now.

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