Tuesday, September 15, 2009

CE credits

I am wondering why I didn't get credit for the thing about facebook. I had it done before the end of the month and I checked the link to get to the post. It worked and still I didn't get the credit. Oh well I guess I will try this months and if I don't get credit for that one I will probably quit the class. I don't get to really use much of what I learn anyway. I could use more of it but the people I work with think that it is a waste of time.


Allana said...

Hi! I wanted to let you know that I saw your post. As you may have noticed the four of us at the Commission take turns being responsible for a Thing. Christa was in charge of Thing #27. Unfortunately she’s out of office today presenting at the Northeast Library System meeting. I will make sure she sees your post however.

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is Christa from the Library Commission. There was a delay in collecting and submitting the names of all the people who completed Thing #27 on Facebook. But, that info has now been passed on to our CE people and the credit should be added to your profile soon. I apologize for the delay. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions - http://nelearns.blogspot.com/2009/03/contact.html